Early morning sydney..... its cold and muggy and my hair likes to do its own thing. I sat in a cafe and vagued out for 10 minutes... this week has been busy so any time for a moment is nice. I watched the street walk past me, people watching...... we have all done it. I find Sydney people so fascinating. Most people keep to their clicky groups and more than anything to themselves. My favourite thing is faces. Not neccissarily for the beauty but for the stories.... each line explaining an emotion, each frown another sad story, every little smile the joy that is in us. I watched a figure, a lonely old man walk past the large window in the cafe.... I wondered how many friends he had if he had any at all. Perhaps he enjoyed not talking to others, perhaps he had all the friends in the world - im not sure, but i thought what a beautiful figure, and what a lovely image that would make.
I sometimes think constantly about the idea of capturing a moment on camera- the look on ones face or perhaps the history behind it. I like to challenge an audience and hope that through my images they see and ask the same questions as me.... i guess that is what photo journalists do.... what an amazing job that would be.
Sometimes when i see something a person or an expression or action i want to run up to that person (usually a stranger) and say 'hey you dont want to do that again for the camera do you?' i never do but sometimes i will tell the person what an amazing moment that would make....
Our eyes are like lenses except rather than catching it on paper we capture these things in our minds.... and we can never quite so much describe the image more so than the feeling.... i guess thats why there are so many fucked up people in the world. The amount of trauma or sadness that we experience, in saying that there is equally the amount of joy and happiness, which is also a nice feeling to capture.
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